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Pluralism is a term used in philosophy, meaning "doctrine of multiplicity", often used in opposition to monism ("doctrine of unity") and dualism ("doctrine of duality"). The term has different meanings in metaphysics, ontology, and epistemology.
Pluralism, felsefe de kullanilan bir terim olarak; "Cesitlilik doktrini" anlamina gelir, s1kl1kca, monizme (tekligin doktrini) ve dualizme (ikiligin doktrini) karsit olarak kullanilir. Bu terimin, metafizikte, ontolojide, ve epistemolojide farkli anlamlari vardir.

In metaphysics, pluralism is a doctrine that there is more than one reality, while realism holds that there is but one reality, that may have single objective ontology or plural ontology. In one form, it is a doctrine that many substances exist, in contrast with monism which holds existence to be a single substance, often either matter (materialism) or mind (idealism), and dualism believes two substances, such as matter and mind, to be necessary.
Metafizikte, pluralism doktrini, birden fazla gerceklik oldugunu one surer. realism ise, sadece tek bir gerceklik oldugunu savunur. Bu savundugu gerceklik, ya tek bir objective olusum, ya da coklu olusumdur. Bir formda, monizmin, ya madde (materyalizm) ya da dusunce (idealism) ve madde ve dusunce gibi iki tozluluge inanan dualizm olarak tek/ikili tozluluge karsit bir cok tozun var oldugunu savunur.

In ontology, pluralism refers to different ways, kinds, or modes of being. For example, a topic in ontological pluralism is the comparison of the modes of existence of things like 'humans' and 'cars' with things like 'numbers' and some other concepts as they are used in science.[1]
Ontolojide ise, pluralism, olusumun; cok farkli yonlerinee, cesitlerine ve bicimlerine isaret eder. Ornek olarak, olusumsal pluralism de, bir baslik; insanlar ya da arabalar gibi ya da numaralar ve digger baska bilimde kullanilan kavramlar gibi varligin bicimlerini karsilastirir.

In epistemology, pluralism is the position that there is not one consistent means of approaching truths about the world, but rather many. Often this is associated with pragmatism, or conceptual, contextual, or cultural relativism.
Epistemoloji de, pluralism dunya hakkindaki gerceklere ulasmanin tek bir tutarli anlam icermedigi aksine coklugu icerdigi durumudur. Bu s1kl1kla pragmatism, veya kavramsal, iceriksel ve kulturel gorecilik ile iliskilidir.

Methodological pluralism, the view that some phenomena observed in science and social science require multiple methods to account for their nature
Yontemsel pluralism, bilimde ve sosyal bilimde gozlemlenen bazi fenomenlerin, onlarin tabiatina yonelik coklu metodlara ihtiyac duydugunun gorusudur.

Scientific pluralism, the view that some phenomena observed in science require multiple explanations to account for their nature
Bilimsel pluralism, bilimdeki bazi fenomenlerin, onlarin tabiatlarina yonelik coklu aciklamalara ihtiyac duydugunun gorusudur.

Epistemological pluralism, methodologies for determining what we know – a set of untold truths about the world.
Epistemolojik pluralism, bizim ne bildigimize determine olan metodlardir- dunya hakkinda aciklanmamis gercekler grubu.

In the philosophy of science epistemological pluralism arose in opposition to reductionism to express the contrary view that at least some natural phenomena cannot be fully explained by a single theory or fully investigated using a single approach
Bilimin felsefesinde, epistemolojik pluralism, en azindan bazi dogal fenomenlerin tek bir teori ile ya da tek bir yanasimin tam bir arastirma uygulamasi ile olamayacagina yonelik karsit gorusu indirgemecilige karsi dikilerek ifade etmektedir.

ontological pluralism (that examines what exists in each of these realms) and epistemological pluralism (that deals with the methodology for establishing knowledge about these realms).
Olusumsal pluralism (her bir gercekte ne var oldugunu arastirir) ve epistemolojical pluralism ( bu gercekler ile ilgili bilgi bilgi kanitlamanin yontemleri ile ilgilenir).

Pluralizmin digger cesitleri ile ilgili asagidaki linke bakabilirsiniz.



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